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Thursday 21 April 2011

Today's show 21/04/11

I'm very busy today, so quickly...

1) EMPLOYMENT - More than eighty thousand people in Britain claim incapacity benefit because they are alcoholics, drug addicts or obese, the government says. Would you employ a former addict? : While in employed work I had always wanted my own sole-trader business, and I achieved that wish in 2002. The key words are "sole-trader", which imply that I would and will never employ anyone, so the answer to your question has to be "No". I'm pretty sure that the BBC has an open-minded attitude to employment (judging by some of the people who work there) so perhaps you should do your bit and employ a former addict on your show. Please let me know when that happens. Next...

2) BLOGGING - A journalist tells us that he's stopped blogging because it was making him ill : A journalist? Stopping blogging? Good! That is one less journalist writing crap then. I'm unsure whether to celebrate his cessation, or take my usual view of complete disinterest. It must be a slow news week, because this is the second story this week about the scum who call themselves journalists. It is all getting a bit too incestuous for my liking. Funny, isn't it, how you are quick to look at other journalists and what they do, but consistently fail to look at your own efforts. You really should try it sometime. Next...

3) CAPTAIN LISA HEAD - We pay tribute to Captain Lisa Head, the British soldier who has died from injuries she suffered in an explosion while clearing roadside bombs in Afghanistan: I am sure that she did a wonderful job and will be sorely missed. Next...

4) TERRY WALTON - And we catch up with Terry Walton on the Jeremy Vine Show allotment : Oh good. Sound Effects Man is back. My life is complete.

Meanwhile, on 6 Music....


Just had a message to tell me that I really should be listening to this as I am a blogger myself, so I am...

Congratulations on your usual poor research. James Delingpole started by telling you that he is not giving up his blog, and is only taking a "health break". So, you'll have got that wrong then.

I get comments on my blog. Two people drew my attention to an error that I had made, which I was happy to correct. All of the rest just thank me for what I do and agree with me in that they consider your show to be rubbish. Not one person has given any other viewpoint.

Any chance of a mention for my blog? It is

Right, back to 6 Music...

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